Res Consortium delivers AOME Accredited Teach the Teacher Programme to HEEVT.
30 & 31-Jan-2020: Res Consortium often works with Trust Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) Centres and Health Education England Regions to deliver medical management programmes to the Medical Workforce. We were invited by The Health Education England Region to deliver a two day programme to Trust Education Leads, Educational and Clinical Supervisors, Medical School Lecturers and Tutors in Oxford to provide enhanced learning classroom teaching, bedside teaching, mentoring and supervision skills using our AoME accredited Teach the Teacher Programme. The course included a description of training roles and the AoME / GMC framework. It also provided tools for assessing competencies using Workplace based Assessments. The group was also introduced to the following educational models: The Kolb Reflective Cycle, Honey and Mumford Learning Styles, and Neil Fleming’s VAK / VARK model. The learners were also asked to prepare a brief talk to help them understand alternative narrative styles. It was a very successful course. Trust Tutor – “The best lecture I have seen in last 5 years working and training in Thames Valley!”